sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019



Concepto de tiempo y clima
Elementos y factores del clima
Fenómeno del Niño y la Niña
Clima de Costa Rica y sus subclimas
Flora y fauna de según tipo de bosque
Influencia del clima en la vida cotidiana
Consecuencias del cambio climático


Lesson 1 Unit 1 / Lesson 2  P. 12-19

Lesson 3 P. 22-23-24
Holidays: EE.UU Independence Day on 4rth of July and Costa Rica’s Independence Day
Lesson 4 People getting along:
Key words: Cooperate, Law, Consequence, Government, Mayor, Judge, Fair, Resposibility, Peace
Chapter 2 Communities are places P. 36-41
Lesson 2 Pages 44-53 community begins  Mount Dora`s History

Unit 2 Keywords
Vote, Common good, volunteer, Government Services, Governor, Patriotism.
Countries and capitals 30 all of them seen in class.

Unit 3-4

Unit 5 all lessons.


Unit 1
The water cycle

Unit 2 Living and Non living things: Define Vascular and non-vascular plants, know their differences and examples of each, label the different parts of a plant and know what each one does. 
Photosynthesis, know the diagram label it and describe the process.
Knowing the different Kingdoms and their characteristics.
Labeling and knowing the different parts of the animal cell and the plant cell.
Label and know The different parts of the Seed.

Unit 3, Unit 4

Renewable energy resources define fossil fuels, renewable energy resource and state examples of them.  


Proper nouns
Common nouns
Subject pronouns
Object pronouns
Sentence structure
Simple sentence
Compound sentence


Reading strategies
Story: Sayings we share, poem, proverb,
Reading Comprehension

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