jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019


  • Chapter 1 lesson 1 
  • Chapter 2 lesson 2 
  • Chapter 3 lesson 3 All about animals
  • Chapter 4 All about plants: What holds a plant into the soil, different parts of the plants, What makes fruits on a plant, different types of plants.  Place in order the
  • stages of growth of a plant. 
  • Plants and Animals all around: Living and Non Living things, classifying animals into their specific groups: Reptiles, Amphibians, Insects, Mammals 
  • Lesson 5 changes in Environments, Desert, Rain Forest, Tundra. Fish, Birds and Monkeys, adaptations to their environments, understanding what is an adaptation. 
  • Meaning of Habitat. 
  • Chapter 6 Natural Resources: Key words: Reuse, Recycle, Pollution and Natural Resource. 
  • Phases of the moon. 
  • Solids, Liquids and Gases. 
Social Studies
  • Geography terms: Desert, forest, gulf, peninsula, mountain, ocean, plain, river, valley, hill, island.  P. A2
  • Unit 1:  Living in a Community P.1
  • Lesson 1 A community of people P.6
  • Lesson 4 A citizen of many communities, reading a map, knowing the Cardinal Points: North, East, South, West
  • Lesson 5 Using a Calendar to identify special dates. P. 31
  • Unit 2 Our Government
  • (All unit except the states and capitals of the USA just knowing that the Capital of USA in Washington DC and the different countries that make up North America: Mexico, USA, Canada).
  • Unit 3 Looking at Earth
  • Vocabulary of pages: 98, 99, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 ,118
  • Lesson 3 Maps and Globes: Identifying the different continents and countries that are inside. 
  • Identifying the different Oceans. 

Memorizing capitals of the following Countries: 

Central America
1.    Costa Rica- San José
2.    Nicaragua- Managua
3.    Panama- Panama 
4.    Guatemala- Ciudad de Guatemala 
5.    Honduras- Tegucigalpa 
6.    El Salvador- San Salvador 
North America
1.    Mexico- Mexico DF
2.    USA- Washington DC
3.    Canada- Toronto
South America (JUST THESE)
1. Colombia-Medellín
2. Brazil- Sao Paulo 
3. Venezuela- Caracas
4. Peru- Lima
5. Argentina- Buenos Aires 

England- London
France- Paris 
Spain- Madrid
Italy- Rome
Greece- Athens
Ireland- Dublin
Germany- Berlin

China- Beijing 
Japan- Tokyo
Russia- Moscu
South Korea- Seul 

South Africa- Cape Town
Egypt- El Cairo
Kenya- Nairobi 

Australia- Sydney 
New Zeland- Wellington 

Lesson 4 Natural Resources 
Unit 4 Learning about people 186-189
Unit 5 Measuring time 216-218
Unit 6 People at work Goods and Services P.272-279

  • Using Tally marks 
  • Reading graphs
  • Basic addition 
  • Basic Subtraction 
  • Times tables: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
  • Finding the missing number to complete an operation. 
  • Basic word problems with drawings 
  • Number lines 
  • Reading the clock, giving the time and reading the time
  • Adding two number digits 
  • Adding fractions 

  • Identifying a person, thing or place 
  • Identifying Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs 
  • Completing sentences with A or AN. 
  • Months of the Year 
  • Pronouns and classifications 

Present     and           Past            tense of verbs: To Be, To Go, Walk

I Am                             I was
You Are                       You Were 
He/She/ It Is              He/She/It Is
We Are                       We Were
You Are                       You Were
They Are                     They Were

I Go                           I went 
You Go                      You Went 
He/She/It Goes       He/she/it Went
We Go                      We Went 
They Go                   They Went 
You Go                     Went 

I walk                         I Walked
You Walk                  You Walked 
He/she/it Walks      He/she/it Walked 
We Walk                   We Walked 
They Walk                They Walked 
You Walk                  You Walked 

Irregular Verbs: Past tense



  • Ordenar palabras de acuerdo con la figura.

  • Completar las sílabas que hacen falta en la palabra.

  • Anotar el nombre a cada objeto.

  • Ordenar las palabras formando una oración.

  • Encerrar el nombre que corresponda a la imagen.

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