jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019



Unit 1-8 (Exception of Chloe new student)
  • The basic division of 3 and 4 digits 
  • Place value numbers 
  • Adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers 
  • Adding and subtracting decimals, moving decimal places 
  • Rounding to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand
  • Rounding to the nearest decimal (3 digit)
  • Turning percentages to fractions and decimals 
  • Units of measurements 
  • Geometry: basic shapes: three-twelve sides 
  • Identifying Angles, finding values 
  • Ratio and Proportion 
  • Changes in Matter (Science concepts and vocabulary) pg 371-403
  • Sound (Science concepts and vocabulary) pg 404-435
Soc Studies

Southeast and Gulf States (Pg 200-227)
·  Settlement and Early Life (Pg 200-205)
·  The Southeast and Gulf States Today (Pgs 206-211)
·  Islands and People (Pgs 214-219)
·  Coastal Regions Around the World (220-225)
South Central States (230-253)
·  Settling the South Central Region (230-235)
·  A Diverse Economy (236-241)
·  Sharing a River (242-246)
·  Oil Resources Around the World (248-251)

·  Word ending in -ed or, -ing (pg 108)
·  Words with silent b and a silent t (Pg 112)
·  Contractions with -n’t, -‘ve, and -‘d (pg 117)
·  Homophones (pg 122)
·  VCCV (Vowel Consonant Consonant Vowel) words (pg 126)
·  Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox (pgs 671-681)
·  Reading Comprehension
·  Prepositions (Pgs 74-76, 86 Megaflash)
·  Months of the year/Days of the week/telling time (Pg 77-79, 87 Megaflash)
·  Identify sentence types (Imperative, exclamatory, interrogative, affirmative)(Pgs 90-92 Megaflash)
·  Compound words (Pg 96-97)
·  Identifying subjects and compound subjects in sentences (Pg 99, 102 Megaflash)
·  Identifying predicates and compound predicates in sentences (Pg 100, 102 Megaflash)
·  Abbreviations (Pg 113-114 Megaflash)
·  Past tense and future tense (Practice book pg 107, 111)
·  Contractions (Pg 116 Practice book)
·  Adverbs (Pg 121 Practice book)
·  Comparing Adverbs (Pg 125 practice book)
·  Concept Words, pgs 30-34 Blue Vocabulary Book)
·  Sensory Words pgs 35-39 Blue Vocabulary Book)
·  Plurals (Pgs 40-43 Blue Vocabulary Book)
·  Suffixes (Pgs 44-49 Blue Vocabulary Book)
·  Prefixes (Pgs 50-57 (Blue Vocabulary Book)
·  Root and Basewords (Pgs 58-61 Blue Vocabulary Book) 

Estudios Sociales
  • Instrumentos musicales de Costa Rica. P142
  • Bailes folclóricos. P144
  • Comidas típicas de Costa Rica. P147
  • Fiestas de Costa Rica. P148
  • Deberes y derechos de los niños. P164
  • Funciones del: MEP, PANI y los EBAIS. P165-171


  • Elaborar diálogos a partir de ilustraciones, p. 133-135.
  • Resumir textos no literarios, p. 131-132.
  • Reconocer las partes del sobre, p. 129-130
  • Conocer dichos populares, p. 126-128.
  • Interpretar frases célebres, p. 125.
  • Comprender el significado de refranes, p. 123-124.
  • Conocer las partes de la carta, p. 129.
  • Reconocer el periódico y sus partes visto en el cuaderno y la p. 65
  • Aplicar, correctamente, los signos de puntuación (. ; , -), p. 87-96.
  • Comprender los mensajes de programas televisivos y radiales, p. 69-70.
  • Identificar los prefijos y sufijos, p. 50-51.
  • Conocer el concepto de gentilicios y el nombre que recibe cada habitante de CR y Centroamérica, p. 51

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